Advanced FLOW Engineering

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Had to cut one piece for super cab short box but was otherwise an easy fit. Would have liked more than two hangers for 6.4 powerstroke straight pipe security or 6.

Had to cut one piece for super cab short box but was otherwise an easy fit. Would have liked more than two hangers for security or some add ons with the kit but overall a good product for the right price. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return the product within 30 days for a full refund. Please review our return policy for detailed instructions. Make your vehicle stand out from the crowd with more performance, better sound, and great quality.

Well the crank case pressure is 24 inches of mercury. That finally convinced him the engine is shot. I was shocked it was that high but had no oil in the air intake tube or turbos. Most post-2007 diesel vehicles are fitted with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) for emissions reasons, however, there are a few disadvantages to this device; including constant maintenance and repairs.

For water fording, the system can be sealed to keep the engine safe, while the forward-facing inlet’s positioning helps avoid airborne contaminants. Since there wasn't any oil in the intake tube I didn't check the crank case pressure but when I put it back together I'll check it. In case the product you ordered cannot be delivered on time due to inventory shortages, we will contact you via email. You may choose to wait for the stock to arrive or request a refund. Standard shipping (INCLUDED) will take 6-8 business days.

It’s a beautiful product and has qualities that I love. Fill and drain plugs and mostly the sight port. Just got this today and setting it up was so easy.

Professional installation is recommended.2. Please don't hesitate to write to us if you have any problems. We send you a step-by-step instruction guide and have a full time support staff to help you with any questions you may have on the installation. When you buy MBRP, you’ll know that you’re getting the best value because your material options all come with the same high quality craftsmanship in every product. If you’re unsatisfied with your product, reach out and we’ll make it right.

With my old kit that kept leaking, an abnormal seal size and changed colors as the plastic got warm. I installed the Spelab kit and fits good and have the reassurance of the locking ring to keep it in. Wish I would have ordered the can bus plugs at the same time. A few modifications were needed to make everything work but nothing too difficult if you can tackle this type of work to begin with. Great service on time delivery good customer service did as promised. We provide top quality parts for the specific make of your diesel truck.

Check out the ATLAS DPF-Back exhaust system by aFe. Shop with Blessed Performance for a vast arsenal of industry leading 6.0L Powerstroke exhaust systems for your 2003–2007 Ford 6.0L 6.4 powerstroke straight pipe diesel engine. Finding a good supplier for diesel performance parts is difficult, so find a solution in Blessed Performance as your one-stop shop for 6.0 6.4 powerstroke straight pipe exhaust components and other diesel engine parts and accessories.

Please review our return policy for more information on the refund process. We carry exhaust systems from AFE, Diamond Eye, MBRP, Magnaflow, Mel's Manufacturing, and Silverline. If you’re having trouble determining the best route for your exhaust system or components, feel free to give us a call and we’d be happy to steer you in the right direction. AFe products are dyno tested with our in-house DynoJet, and our airflow products are also flow bench tested, for performance you can count on.

Hawaii, Alaska, and other remote areas may take longer and invoke further shipping expense. Please contact us if you're want more information. Crafted from 16 gauge heavy-duty aluminized steel, Armor Lite has the same fitment and performance as T304 and T409 products. Give your vehicle a unique sound with an MBRP Touring Profile exhaust.