The Importance of Autistic Headcanons

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hedcanon generator

headcanon generator

Headcanoncan be defined as that which an individual believes to be true about somethingwithin the source material that has no explicit confirmation, althoughheadcanon can derive from a fan theory. Fanon is when something is believed tobe true by the majority or a large minority of the fandom and becomesintertwined with the mythos of the text. Another term that should be defined is"fan theory". A fan theory is created when precedent from the source text isused to construct a postulation that is then evaluated for its validity in thesource text. I initially thought that headcanons were a type of fan theory created by someone who had little knowledge of autism and is subject to debate, or simply a fan’s opinion that deserved to be treated with respect. Still under the influence of my internalized ableism, I first arrogantly rejected these headcanons on the basis on they were made by neurotypicals who only understood autism by its negative and positives stereotypes.

Now a bit of background on myself and how I got involved with all of this. Like many I was left distraught and hedcanon generator hopeless at the April 2014 announcement of the decanonization of the EU, and could find no place on the internet with anyone who loved and respected what we had lost. Seemingly everywhere were people spouting ridiculous claims about the EU that I knew were not true but had trouble arguing against since at the time I simply did not know what I know now. In the spectrum of superheroes  that ranges between "cosplayers that like to punch things" to "cosmic entity that barely acknowledges humanity exists"  my preferences are far closer to cosplayers, so I do know where you're coming from.

Of course, it is possible for someone’s headcanon generator to become canon if such details later become part of the story or are confirmed as true in some way. But as other ppl said, the HCs have to be reasonable. They have to fit the time period they’re set in, they can’t go against stated evidence, and they have to sound like the character they’re made for. In the title text Randall makes the spellings of these two words indistinguishable by using three consecutive "n"s to spell "headcannnon".

If enough people get the message and accept the message, then it becomes part of the religious tradition. UPG is Unverified Personal Gnosis – information and wisdom that comes to individuals through means that can’t be objectively confirmed. It’s things you learn in dreams, in trance, or through divination. It isn’t something you made up or something you think is true.

And hey, if Game of Thrones came out and all but said he’s ace, then that’s good enough for me. Here’s hoping that the books will confirm his asexuality as well. The idea of fandom grew hand in hand with the rise of male-dominated science fiction fandom in the early 20th century, which mostly centered on books and short stories. It wasn’t until the ‘60s and ‘70s that women began forming fandom spaces for themselves, mainly focused on sci-fi and genre television.